Outlet Bay on Raquette Lake

Outlet Bay on Raquette Lake

Explore the outcroppings of the famous Raquette River. Make this paddle as long or as short as you'd like, and enjoy the quiet marshlands along the way!

Getting there

From the 3-way intersection in the Hamlet of Long Lake follow Route 30/28N toward Blue Mountain Lake. Continue for just over 3-miles to North Point Road on the right. Follow North Point Road for 8.5 miles to the bridge over the Raquette River, park near here.


There is parking on both sides of the road. This launch area is not for going downstream into the river; it is far too rocky to paddle. This launch will gain you access to Outlet Bay which is a narrowing on Raquette Lake where the lake becomes the famous Raquette River. This bay tends to be a very popular fishing destination so it should be of no surprise if fishing boats are around and maybe even kicking up some wakes. Bluff Point Hill comes down to the east and Bluff Point separates the main body quite well to the south. If you wish to expand your paddle a bit, paddle around Bluff Point and access Boulder Brook. If the conditions are right you can get a ways up the brook before you would need to turn around. This is an attractive and fun small stretch to paddle and if you like birding, you should check it out.

Type of Launch: Sand and stone

Type of Carry: Less than 100 feet

Type of Water: This part of the lake is very calm and well-sheltered, but if you continue out into the lake's main body it tends to get much rougher. Motorboats are allowed.

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